A quick tutorial on Miller


Recently I had to perform some analyses on a CSV file with a fairly complex format. I started with datamash, but I ended up using miller, because it performed considerably better on the input file I had, which had a tricky syntax.

This page reports on the tasks I performed and is a quick tutorial of Miller.

The input file

The input file has fields protected by double quotes, numbers with commas as decimal separator (Italian locale), and “-” in place of zeroes. A sample is available here and following table shows its content, verbatim

cat ./csv-cli-tools-input.csv


These are the tasks I had to perform on the file:

  1. Pre-process the file to simplify analyses: convert separator in decimal numbers and replace “-” with zeroes
  2. Compute descriptive statistics of “total”
  3. Compute average total by major (pivot)
  4. Transpose row and columns of the pivot table computed at the previous step
  5. Select surname and total
  6. Select all records with d1 < 13.0
  7. Sort record by total

Pre-processing the file

One of the issues with the file is the use of “,” both as field delimiter and separator of decimal places, which causes datamash to incorrectly parse the file.

We fix the format by:

  • using sed to replace “-” with “0.00”
  • using miller to convert the file to tsv, so that commas will appear only when used as decimal separators
  • using sed to replace “,” with “.”, so that decimal numbers can be correctly interpreted as such
sed 's/"-"/"0.00"/g' csv-cli-tools-input.csv | mlr --icsv --otsv cat | \
    sed 's/,/./g' | mlr --itsv --ocsv  cat > csv-cli-tools-input-cleaned.csv

Now we are ready to perform the analyses.

Descriptive statistics of total

mlr --from csv-cli-tools-input-cleaned.csv --icsv --ocsv \
    stats1 -a p0,p25,p50,mean,p75,p100,stddev,var -f total 
total_p0 total_p25 total_p50 total_mean total_p75 total_p100 total_stddev total_var
10 20 22 22.285714285714285 30 30 6.872997543873798 47.23809523809526

Notice that we have sued two “tricks” to simplify command composition and readability:

  1. the --from options allows to put the input file as first argument. This makes the command more readable and simplifies composition of the command from the command line
  2. the then keyword allows to compose different operations, reducing the number of pipes you need. For instance mlr cmd | mlr cmd2 can usually be replaced by mlr cmd1 then cmd2

Average total by major

mlr --from csv-cli-tools-input-cleaned.csv --icsv --ocsv \
    stats1 -a mean -f total -g major then \
    format-values -f "%.2f"
major total_mean
arts 21.33
engineering 23

Note. Org Mode cleans data a bit by removing one zero from the second number.

Select surname and total

mlr --from csv-cli-tools-input-cleaned.csv --icsv --ocsv cut -f surname,total
surname total
smith 20
doe 30
white 30
brown 24
smith 22
doe 20
carol 10

Select all records with d1 < 13.0

mlr --from csv-cli-tools-input-cleaned.csv --icsv --ocsv filter '$d1 < 13' 
name surname major total d1 d2
john smith arts 20 0.0 -16.8
carl doe engineering 30 0.0 12
adam white engineering 30 0.0 14.3
john brown arts 24 0.0 17.8
janet smith engineering 22 0.0 16.4
anne carol engineering 10 12.2 26.3

Sort record by total

mlr --from csv-cli-tools-input-cleaned.csv --icsv --ocsv sort -nr total
name surname major total d1 d2
carl doe engineering 30 0.0 12
adam white engineering 30 0.0 14.3
john brown arts 24 0.0 17.8
janet smith engineering 22 0.0 16.4
john smith arts 20 0.0 -16.8
jane doe arts 20 14.8 26.8
anne carol engineering 10 12.2 26.3