#+TITLE: Shower Example
#+DATE: <2024-02-18 Sun>

#+OPTIONS: toc:nil title:nil html-style:nil html-postamble:nil html-preamble:nil tags:nil num:nil

#+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ict4g.net/shower/shower/themes/ribbon/styles/styles.css">
#+HTML_HEAD: <script src="https://ict4g.net/shower/shower/shower.js"></script>
#+HTML_HEAD: <style> div { display: contents; } </style>
#+HTML_HEAD: <style> pre { font-size: small; color: grey } </style>
#+HTML_HEAD: <style> .dark-background  pre { font-size: small; color: white } </style>
#+HTML_HEAD: <style> .dark-background { color: white } </style>
#+HTML_HEAD: <style>#title-slide, .white { color: white; }</style>


    <header class="caption">
        <h1>Write Slides in Org Mode and export to Shower Presentation Engine</h1>
        <p>Isn't that amazing!</p>

* Shower Slides using Org Mode HTML export engine                                                                    :title: 
   :CUSTOM_ID: title-slide
   #+ATTR_HTML: :class cover

* Requirements

  A shower file requires to:

  - Include Shower CSS and JavaScript
  - A =body= tag with class =shower= and one =section= with class =slide= per slide
  - An optional initial =header= section to set the title of the slide

* Approach

  We are going to build a Shower HTML file by exporting an Org Mode file using
  the standard HTML export engine.  The Org Mode file contains a bit of
  configuration and a bit of JavaScript, where the configuration is not
  expressive enough.

  You can also directly view the source of this presentation or download a
  stripped-down template.

* Include Shower CSS and JavaScript

  Include shower files (JavaScript and CSS) using =#+HTML_HEAD=:

  #+begin_example org-mode
    #+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" href="[...]/shower/shower/themes/ribbon/styles/styles.css">
    #+HTML_HEAD: <script src="[...]/shower/shower/shower.js"></script>

  Add the following special rule (to properly manage the =div= Org Mode uses to
  wrap all content):
  #+begin_example org-mode
  #+HTML_HEAD: <style>div { display: contents; }</style>

* Body with class =shower= and one section per slide

  - Add =#+HTML_CONTAINER: section= to the header of your file. This ensures each
    heading is wrapped by a =<section>= tag
  - Add the following JavaScript at the end of your presentation, which ensures =body=
    and =section= are assigned the correct classes:

  document.querySelectorAll('section').forEach(function(section) { section.classList.add('slide'); });

* An optional initial =header= in the overview

  This is achieved by exporting to HTML:

    <header class="caption">
        <h1>Write Slides in Org Mode and export to Shower Presentation Engine</h1>
        <p>Isn't that amazing!</p>

*                                                                     :title:

   #+BEGIN_EXPORT html
   <h2 class="shout grow">... and you are all set!</h2>

* Styling Tips

  The following slides provide some formatting tips to translate Org Mode markup
  language to the markup required by Shower CSS.

* Background images
  :CUSTOM_ID: title-slide
  :HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS: dark-background

   Add an image and assign it the class =cover=, using =#+ATTR_HTML=, as in the example

   #+ATTR_HTML: :class cover

   #+ATTR_HTML: :class cover

   Notice that a bit of CSS might be needed to style the text.  Here, for instance, I am
   using the property =:HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS:= to add a class =dark-background= to
   the =section= of this slide.

* Markup for Rich Content

  Org Mode markup works out of the box: *bold*, /italic/, =verbatim=,
  ~code~, +strikethrough+, links and lists.

  Underlined text is an exception: _underlined is not really underlined_. If it is
  important for you, add a CSS class to style =.underline= text, if you want.

* Structural Elements


  - slide 1
  - slide 2


  1. slide 1
  2. slide 2

* Tables

  Despite having fewer stars, Shower is a nice framework producing good looking

  | CSS Framework | GitHub Stars | Last Commit |
  | Shower        | 4.8K         | 3 years ago |
  | Reveal.js     | 66.5K        | 2 weeks ago |

* Tables (II)

  #+begin_export html
    .simpler-table tr:not(:last-of-type) > * {
      background-image: none !important;

  You can override some of the table styles, to achieve a simpler look.  Here,
  for instance, I am overriding the =background-image= property of the rule =.slide
  tr:not(:last-of-type) > *=:

  #+ATTR_HTML: :class simpler-table
  | CSS Framework | GitHub Stars | Last Commit |
  | Shower        | 4.8K         | 3 years ago |
  | Reveal.js     | 66.5K        | 2 weeks ago |

*                                                                     :title:

  You can have a slide with no title... simply by not setting the title of the

* Two columns
   #+ATTR_HTML: :class columns two
   Two columns can be obtained by exporting a =div= with two =p=.

   A list on the second column:

   - first point
   - second point

* Serious Citations

  Use =#+begin_quote=:

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
  tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
  quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
  consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
  cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
  proident, sunt in culpa qui officia.

* Inner Navigation
  :HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS: inner-navigation

  This is achieved with a trick. Add a class: =inner-navigation= to the slide or
  to an element wrapping the list and let JavaScript add the required classes to
  *all* elements of the enclosed list.

  - This will appear first
  - This will appear next
  - And then this one

*                                                                     :title:

   #+BEGIN_EXPORT html
   <h2 class="shout shrink">You can even shout!</h2>
* Documentation
  :HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS: black dark-background

  Documentation available here:

  - https://github.com/shower/shower/blob/main/docs/features.md

* Conclusions

  Shower produces nice slides publishable on the Web.

  It is very simple to typeset the slides in Org Mode, adding a bit of
  JavaScript, and then use the standard HTML export facilities to produce a
  nice deck publishable on the web.

  Go back to the blog post.

  document.querySelectorAll('section').forEach(function(section) { section.classList.add('slide'); });
  document.querySelectorAll('.inner-navigation ul li').forEach(function(section) { section.classList.add('next'); });